"A Roofer You Can Look Up To"

James Robinson Roofing

And gutters too

Do You Need To Do Maintenance On Your Roof?

You may not think about your roof every day, but it is one of the most important components of your home. It protects you, your family, and everything you own from the harsh outdoor elements. While it’s common knowledge that a good roof can last for decades if taken care of, many people don’t know what exactly constitutes good roof maintenance. In short, maintaining your roof correctly helps it last longer by preventing damaging elements from getting inside and ruining the sealant and other key components of the roof. If you want to learn more about proper maintenance of your roof so that it will last as long as possible, read on.

What to Look For When Conducting Roof Maintenance

There are a few key signs that you should keep an eye out for during roof maintenance. These signs will let you know if your roof needs to be repaired or replaced. If you see any of the below, please call a professional roofer immediately to have the issue examined. – Dark Spots or Streaks- These can be caused by water damage and algae build-up, both of which can severely damage your roof. – Soft Spots- If you notice any soft, sagging areas on your roof, it could be a sign of roof rot caused by a leak. – Cracks- Cracks in the roof aren’t only unsightly, they also let in water and other damaging elements. – Sagging- If you notice any sagging on the roof, it could be because the supporting structure of the roof has been compromised.

Keep An Eye Out For Leaks

If your roof has a crack in it, you may think it’s a small problem that you should be able to ignore. Unfortunately, that can cause much bigger issues in the long run. If you notice a leak coming from your roof, call a professional roofer to have it repaired as soon as possible. You can also read our article about how to fix a leaky roof. If you’re not sure what the source of the leak is, bring a bowl up to the roof. Fill the bowl with water, and then put it on the roof. If you notice water coming into the bowl, you’ve found the source of the leak. This trick is a simple but effective way to pinpoint exactly where the leak is coming from.

Repair Broken Flashing

Flashing is a key part of your roof. It’s the metal that’s installed around the edge of the roof to seal it off from the rest of the exterior of your home. If this part of the roof is broken, water can seep in and cause damage to the rest of the roof. Make sure to regularly inspect your flashing to see if it’s broken or missing. If it is, or if it looks like it’s about to break, have it replaced as soon as possible. If your roof is more than 10 years old, you may qualify for a government program that helps homeowners replace their roof at no cost.

Maintain The Sealant Around The Roof

One of the most important parts of roof maintenance is maintaining the sealant around the roof. The sealant is what keeps water and other elements out of your home. If the sealant becomes worn or damaged, it can cause leaks. To properly maintain the sealant, you should inspect it once a year. The easiest way to do this is to go up on the roof and look at it. Alternatively, you can walk along the edge of the roof and look down at the seal-ant. If you see any damage to the sealant, have it repaired. Ideally, you should have this done before the damage gets bad enough to cause leaks.

Check Your Roof’s Warranty And Insurance

Not every roof will last until the end of time, but a lot of people expect their roof to last at least 20 years. If you’re in the middle of your roof’s lifespan, you may be wondering if you need to get a new roof or if the current one will last. To figure this out, you should check your roof’s warranty. Most manufacturers will give you a certain amount of time to have your roof replaced if it’s been damaged. However, this only applies if you bought your roof from a retailer. If you bought your roof from a contractor, you won’t be able to use the warranty. If you don’t have a warranty and your roof is nearing the end of its lifespan, you may want to consider purchasing roof insurance. This type of insurance covers the cost of a new roof if yours is damaged beyond repair. Depending on the type of insurance you get, it may also cover the cost of repairs if your roof is still in good condition but has been damaged by severe weather.


As you can see, roof maintenance is important. If you keep up with the maintenance on a regular basis, your roof can last for decades. The key is to check your roof regularly for signs of damage, and repair any issues you find as soon as possible. If you have questions about your roof or how to best go about maintaining it, talk to your contractor or roofer. They can answer any questions you have and help you keep your roof in good condition for years to come.